Bluetooth® 低耗能

經過驗證的解決方案可輕鬆地將 Bluetooth 低耗能 (LE) 加入到汽車、工業或個人電子應用領域。

將 Bluetooth 低耗能引進更多產品中

使用新款 SimpleLink™ CC2340 無線 MCU,以最低 0.79 美元的起價實現高品質 Bluetooth 低耗能,開始開發您的下一個連線應用。運用領先業界的待機電流 (低於 710 nA)、工業溫度支援與高品質 RF,您可為醫療、存取點、智慧家庭、資產追蹤、個人電子產品等應用加入 Bluetooth LE。


Bluetooth LE 無線微控制器

進一步了解我們具有靈活記憶體、性能、封裝與成本選項的平價高品質無線微控制器 (MCU) 產品組合。

車用 Bluetooth LE 無線微控制器

探索我們的車用 AEC-Q100 Bluetooth LE 無線微控制器 (MCU) 產品組合,適合車門、數位鑰匙包和胎壓監控

雙模式 Bluetooth 控制器

選擇 Bluetooth® Classic 解決方案或雙模式 Bluetooth 和 Bluetooth LE 解決方案。

Bluetooth LE 無線模組

探索我們的 Bluetooth LE 認證無線模組產品組合,其中包含專為加快產品上市時間所設計的整合式被動元件與天線。

依應用實例和記憶體選擇正確的 Bluetooth 裝置


Design tool
Hardware design reviews for SimpleLink™ CC2xxx devices

The SimpleLink hardware design review process provides a way to get in touch, one-on-one, with a subject matter expert that can help review your design and provide valuable feedback. A simple three-step process for requesting a review as well as links to relevant technical documentation and (...)

Calculation tool
Bluetooth Power Calculator Tool
This tool is used to calculate Bluetooth Low Energy power consumption estimates for various use cases on TI Bluetooth devices. The calculator includes both advertising and peripheral use cases with the ability to configure different use case profile parameters. The calculator outputs an estimate (...)
Design tool
Third party wireless module search tool

The third party wireless module search tool helps developers to identify products that meet their end equipment specifications and procure production ready wireless modules. The third party module vendors included in the search tool are independent third party companies with expertise in designing (...)

為何選擇 TI Bluetooth 低耗能



運用我們的低功耗 Bluetooth LE 裝置,提供 0.85-µA 待機電流過熱、以 10 dBm 運作的同級最佳鈕釦型單芯電池等功能,增加您的電池續航力。



具備從 SoC 到模組之可擴充周邊設備,和高達 704 kB 的快閃記憶體的針腳對針腳及軟體相容產品組合。



使用 SimpleLink 軟體開發套件 (SDK) 的任何協定或應用的一站式服務。針對我們的低功耗裝置進行最佳化之最可靠、最完整的軟體產品



我們的 Bluetooth 解決方案經過實證與測試,符合最高汽車、工業與法規遵循標準,並提供 Bluetooth SIG 的簡易認證。

Bluetooth 低功耗技術

Apple Find My Network 是已加密的匿名網路,由數億部 Apple 裝置組成,可以幫助使用者找到透過 Bluetooth 低耗能運作的裝置。將 CC2340R5 加入到任何設備都可以啓用 Find My Network 功能。從滑板車到耳塞式耳機,消費者不怕再遺失任何東西。

Featured products for Bluetooth 低耗能
新產品 CC2340R5 ACTIVE SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M0+ Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU with 512-kB flash

TI Bluetooth 網狀網路

探索如何使用 TI 的 Bluetooth 網狀網路解決方案,建立低功耗感測器及自動化應用。憑藉 1-µA 待機電流加強電池續航力,TI 的低功耗 Bluetooth 解決方案產品組合針對網狀網絡中的不同節點支援多樣化的要求。

Bluetooth 網狀網路基礎
本研討會為 SimpleLink CC26xx 和 CC13xx 軟體開發套件 (SDK) Bluetooth 網狀網路功能簡介。
網狀網路拓撲已成為開發人員延伸其網路範圍或規模的絕佳方式。此網路研討會提供不同的交錯通訊協定的概覽,特別是 Wi-SUN 和 Bluetooth 網狀網路。
Featured products for TI Bluetooth 網狀網路
CC2652R7 ACTIVE SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 704-kB Flash
CC2652P7 ACTIVE SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU, 704-kB Flash, integrated power amp
CC2642R ACTIVE SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU with 352kB Flash


Add reliable Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity to a wide range of low-power or high-performance building automation products.
Use Bluetooth Low Energy in medical applications to improve patient health and well being.
Improve grid infrastructure applications with Bluetooth Low Energy to reduce maintenance costs and increase efficiency.

Add reliable Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity to a wide range of low-power or high-performance building automation products.

With more than 20 years of experience developing connectivity devices, TI helps:

  • Create low power, connected Bluetooth-based building automation systems that link a variety of sensors and controllers to help enable secure remote monitoring and control.
  • Enable low-power door access control and allow for smart room entry.
  • Connect multiple sensors to HVAC gateways to optimally control indoor environments.


  • TIDA-00374 – Humidity & Temp Sensor Node for Star Networks Enabling 10+ Year Coin Cell Battery Life Ref Design
  • TIDA-00757 – Smart Lock Reference Design Enabling 5+ Years Battery Life on 4x AA Batteries
  • TIDA-00756 – Always-on Low-power Gas Sensing with 10+ Year Coin Cell Battery Life Reference Design
  • CC2652R7 – SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 704-kB Flash
  • CC2651R3 – SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 single-protocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 352-kB flash
  • CC2642R – SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU with 352kB Flash

Use Bluetooth Low Energy in medical applications to improve patient health and well being.

With Bluetooth Low Energy, medical devices can become smarter than ever before, enabling wireless monitoring and control of medical devices such as insulin pumps, blood glucose monitors and much more.                                                                                                    

  • Offer a low power wireless connection to increase patient comfort by removing wires and cables.
  • Protect patient data and allow physicians real-time access with a wireless connection.
  • Enable wearable devices with small form factor and ultra-low power solutions.


  • TIDA-01580 – Wireless ECG, SpO2, PTT and heart rate monitor reference design for medical and consumer wearables
  • TIDA-01624 – Bluetooth®-enabled high accuracy skin temperature measurement flex PCB patch reference design
  • CC2652R7 – SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 704-kB Flash
  • CC2640R2F – SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M3 Bluetooth® 5.1 Low Energy wireless MCU with 128-kB flash
  • CC2651R3SIPA – SimpleLink™ multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless system-in-package module with integrated antenna

Improve grid infrastructure applications with Bluetooth Low Energy to reduce maintenance costs and increase efficiency.

The electric grid is becoming smarter every day, with improved monitoring and control capabilities, allowing you to:  

  • Offer wireless payment functionality on home utility meters with a Bluetooth Low Energy connection.
  • Replace optical port cables with a lower cost, more reliable wireless connection.
  • Enable a simple maintenance interface via smart device connection for remote display.


  • CC2640R2F – SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M3 Bluetooth® 5.1 Low Energy wireless MCU with 128-kB flash
  • CC2652R7 – SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 704-kB Flash
  • CC2651R3 – SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4 single-protocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 352-kB flash


Application note
Application note
How to Certify Your Bluetooth Product (Rev. K)
本應用報告旨在指導系統設計人員概述將併入 SimpleLink™ Bluetooth 低耗能無線 MCU 的終端產品推向市場所需的資格檢定和上市流程。
document-pdfAcrobat PDF
運用 TI 連線監測器的車輛使用權設定
了解 TI 連線監測器如何用於監控 Bluetooth LE 通訊,以估算適用於車輛使用權設定或遙控無鑰匙進入的連線監測器與啟用 Bluetooth LE 之裝置間的距離。
SimpleLink 無線 MCU 的安全啟動